Monday, July 24, 2006


So we just stumbled upon this really cheesy show on Viva (sort of a German MTV) called Dance Star 2006 (brought to you by o.b. tampons, in case you were wondering). What else are you going to do when it's still 83F inside the house, your baby is breastfeeding and you can't possibly watch any more bombing on CNN? Anyway, it seemed to involve a bunch of young people trying out to be on a dance show of some sort. Why am I wasting your time telling you this? Because two of the guys trying out happened to be breakdancing brothers from Basel, one of whom was actually wearing a shirt that said, in big capital letter, "BASEL FU**IN CITY" (only there weren't asterisks). You haven't lived until you've seen local Swiss hip-hop kids. Word. Peace out...