Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Should have known better

Over the years I've found that one of the quickest ways to get healthy is to make an appointment to see the doctor. It's almost a given that no matter how bad I'm feeling, as soon as I get to the doctor's office I miraculously feel better and consequently feel like an idiot for wasting his/her time (of course, the symptoms are then likely to return as soon as I've left the office).

Why do I bring this up? Because after four nights in a row of frighteningly uncontrollable hysterics, we figured it was time to take her to the pediatrician to see if there was anything wrong (it's almost time for her one-month checkup anyway). Sure enough, after calling and making an appointment for this afternoon...last night was possibly her best night since we've been home. No hysterics, took turns sleeping in both of our arms, even let us watch a movie (Crash, which I had seen on a plane but Gretchen hadn't seen an aside, while I found a lot of the dialogue to be forced/unrealistic--not unlike an earlier movie about race relations in L.A., Grand Canyon--I really liked the look & feel of it).

So anyway, today we go to the pediatrician and there's almost a part of me that hopes she has at least a mini-meltdown so he doesn't think we're crazy when we tell him she's been so hysterical. (Incidentally, she could have stopped crying for a million reasons, but one of the most intriguing possibilities is that when Gretchen was at the Mütter- und Väterberatung the other day to get advice, the nurse asked if she ate a lot of cherries because fruits with pits sometimes end up irritating baby's stomachs. Sure enough, we live in the midst of a cherry-growing region and Gretchen not only eats them daily, but also eats apricots and nectarines. So she immediately gave them up, but for all we know she could have just been in a growth spurt that has now ended or maybe she simply wore herself out and after a good night's sleep is ready for more hysterics tonight. They're complicated little creatures...)