Monday, September 25, 2006


Last night. Driving home from dinner. Baby crying in the back seat. SCREAMING in the back seat. Hysterically. Needs The Boob. Gotta get home. Fast. Feeling the Angst. Driving along Bottmingerstrasse. "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Hurry, hurry, hurry.


What the...?


Uh oh--I think I've just been geblitzt.

Luckily I was only doing around 60kph in a 50kph zone, so I'm hoping it's not too steep a fine. Still, it comes on the heels of recently arriving home to another ticket in the mail for doing 37kph in a 30kph zone within blocks of our home (where was the camera hidden?). Plus, while I've seen plenty of other people geblitzt (we have cameras near my office), there was absolutely no question in my mind that I was the guilty party this time. I don't generally think of myself as a fast driver here, but I'm afraid the local authorities may be thinking otherwise.