Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The ultimate sacrifice

It's no secret that I eat a lot of cheese. I love dairy in all forms. I am from the Dairy State, after all! Now I am about to make the ultimate sacrifice. I am giving up dairy. Why? Because our precious Baby likely has a dairy allergy. And I'm still nursing, which means that every bit of dairy that I eat gets passed along to her.

After her post-yogurt vomiting incident this past weekend, I took her to the doctor yesterday for allergy testing. Everything I've read about dairy allergies in babies in the past few days tells me that this is what she has. Even if the test results come back negative, I know that, at the very least, she must have some sort of sensitivity/intolerance. She has had terrible skin problems for several months. We're constantly struggling with it, trying to keep her comfortable and not itching by applying steroid cream and giving her antihistimines. I don't like medicating her so much. But we've also tried lots of different creams and nothing else seems to work. The poor baby just doesn't feel well much of the time. Now I learn that eczema can also be caused for a dairy allergy. And it finally all makes sense to me.

As much as I hate to think that she might have some food allergies, I would be so thrilled to have some answers. And as much as I love cheese, and milk, and ice cream, and yogurt, I would gladly give them up if it would make her feel better! I guess that's what being a mother is all about-- making sacrifices for your little one.