Friday, June 04, 2004

There's a reason they call him Coach K

I'm enough of a geek to admit that I fleetingly participated in spelling bees as a child (although let me be clear that I didn't stay up late at night memorising words or being drilled by my parents or anything like that). The farthest I ever got was the San Diego County spelling bee in eighth grade, where my dreams of going to the competition in Washington were dashed by the word "benday"--I misspelled it as "b-e-n-d-e-t". Shortly thereafter I discovered girls and generally moved on to more interesting things (while admittedly still a geek). When you combine that background with my being a Duke basketball fan, I enjoyed this ESPN article in which kids tried in vain to spell "Krzyzewski" (roughly pronounced "Shu-SHEF-ski").