Monday, September 27, 2004

My Mom would be so proud

I know some of you may find this hard to believe, but I'm joining a book club! One of Kirk's colleagues has invited me to join, and I'll be attending my first meeting tonight. I am really looking forward to meeting some new women. The nice thing is that some of these are professional women who actually work at Kirk's office, and aren't just the spouses of the men who work there. I've concluded that his office is generally male-dominated [KIRK: And that's a problem because...?], so most of the people I meet and hang out with are other hausfraus like me. You know, women who worked in the US (or wherever they've moved from) but quit their jobs to move to Basel. Apparently we're also referred to as "trailing spouses". Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm quite happy being both a hausfrau and a trailing spouse. Especially when I get to go on cool trips with Kirk to places like Madrid and Hong Kong. Anyway, tonight's book is Unless by Carol Shields.