Thursday, January 20, 2005

Happy Birthday, Kris!

While much of America thinks of January 20 as inauguration day, the Krumbiegel family (that's my maiden name for those of you who didn't know me back in the day...) always had something else to celebrate. Today is my sister's birthday! She turns 39 today. I guess that means next year is a big birthday for her. I hope she doesn't mind me revealing her age... she actually doesn't read the blog that often so she probably won't even know. The best thing about her birthday was that my Mom always believed in "unbirthday" presents. This meant that I also got a present on my sister's birthday. Wasn't that thoughtful of my Mom? I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I was a bit sassy and demanding as a child and always had to get my way and probably would have thrown a complete tempertantrum had I not had a present to open while my sister had a big party with loads of presents to open from friends.