Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Care package

I went to the post office today to pick up a package from the US! What is it about getting a package in the mail that is so exciting? I feel like I'm back in college getting a care package from my parents. The package came from Kirk's aunt and uncle who live in Boise and who, unfortunately, had to cancel their trip to Switzerland at the last minute. Inside the package were three boxes of Girl Scout Cookies (2 Thin Mints and 1 Trefoils) and 16 (yes, 16) tubes of travel size Crest toothpaste! I had asked Aunt Fran to bring me a "couple" travel size tubes of Crest because we're almost out (and we can't buy Crest here), and now we have a supply to last a lifetime! (or at least until one of us goes back to the States again) Thanks Fran and Jim!