Friday, May 27, 2005

Learning to walk

I just saw one of the cutest things I've seen in a while. While waiting for a tram after visiting the Augenartzt (eye doctor), I watched a real live Basel police officer teaching little kids how to cross the street. The kids couldn't have been more than 5 years old. This was in the Gundeli, a bustling shopping area near our neighborhood where there's lots of traffic and also a busy tram intersection. They stood at the crosswalk two-by-two, and I could tell he was talking to them about looking both ways, and then away they'd go. As I've mentioned before, Swiss kids have a lot more independence than American kids, and at a very early age. Now I realize that it's not just their parents who teach them about the streets of Basel! It was another one of those "only in Switzerland" moments.