Sunday, July 31, 2005

Could it be?

Every now and again I check out the English Corner of the Basler Zeitung (the main local paper), and today I was pleasantly surprised to see that stores may in the future stay open all the way until 8:00pm (and 6:00pm on Saturdays). I never realised how much I took for granted being able to shop any time I wanted in the States (OK, truth be told it was like pulling teeth to get me to go shopping any time of day, but it's the thought that counts...I COULD go shopping 24 hours if I really wanted to). Of course, I also learned that evidently rain washes feces into the rivers here, but that's not so much an issue for me because the Rhine is lined with chemical plants, so unlike plenty of locals, I have no intention of swimming in the rivers here under any circumstances.