Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The latest from Wisconsin

Gretchen hasn't had much computer time, but thanks to the miracle of modern technology (as her mom once said in amazement when Gretchen called me in Basel, "you just push the buttons and you get Switzerland!") I've had a few updates. Near as I can tell, she is: (a) having a really good time; (b) seeing lots of people; (c) shopping to her heart's content; (d) not allowing herself to be jet-lagged; and (e) dealing fairly well under the circumstances with her first visit back home since her mom passed away last year. But she has still somehow not yet managed to eat cheese curds, frozen custard or bratwurst. Tomorrow she heads up to the cabin up North to relax, except when she does the all-night Relay for Life with her sister to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

(Oh, and of course she misses me terribly...she didn't actually say that, but I'm pretty sure I could hear it in her voice. Or maybe it's Grady she misses.)