It was really great to get back to the States last week. I don't think I'd been back to DC since December or New York since January, so even though three days was much too quick, it was great to have at least a little time to catch up with friends and family between meetings. I got to see Grady's best friend Porter (with Spahr):

I had yummy Indian takeout with friends (Pete, Dave and Sonali, with Spahr in the background and Zoe and Megan not in the picture):

I met Pete & Zoe's new baby, Abby (and in case you're wondering, the look of abject terror on my face at the prospect of holding a baby was a joke. Mostly.):

Then, when I got to NYC, I got to spend an evening with my brother Derek, his wife Elizabeth, and my little nephew Lemuel:

He seemed to like the little fishing toy I brought him, although I suppose like most kids his age the key was that it had pieces he could put in his mouth:

It's a bummer we so rarely get to see him since we don't want him to grow up not knowing us, but he's a great little kid and cute too:

I'm kicking myself for not staying longer, but it just makes we want to return sometime this fall/winter when we can spend more time and not have to fit it around work meetings.

I had yummy Indian takeout with friends (Pete, Dave and Sonali, with Spahr in the background and Zoe and Megan not in the picture):

I met Pete & Zoe's new baby, Abby (and in case you're wondering, the look of abject terror on my face at the prospect of holding a baby was a joke. Mostly.):

Then, when I got to NYC, I got to spend an evening with my brother Derek, his wife Elizabeth, and my little nephew Lemuel:

He seemed to like the little fishing toy I brought him, although I suppose like most kids his age the key was that it had pieces he could put in his mouth:

It's a bummer we so rarely get to see him since we don't want him to grow up not knowing us, but he's a great little kid and cute too:

I'm kicking myself for not staying longer, but it just makes we want to return sometime this fall/winter when we can spend more time and not have to fit it around work meetings.
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