Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Jet lag

I think I can honestly say that I've never before written a post at 7:30 AM. But jet lag has kicked in this morning, we both got up very early, and I already feel like it's time for lunch.

I remember last Christmas when my sister and her family were visiting us, my brother-in-law (who had never traveled overseas before) was talking to me about jet lag. He said something like "I've always heard people talk about it, but I never really believed it was true"... until now, that is! After a couple nights of laying in bed reading, while wide awake, at 3:00 in the morning, he truly believed in the effects of jet lag. Sometimes you can't fight it anymore and you just have to get out of bed.

As I started a load of laundry at 6:30 this morning I was thinking how fortunate we are to live in a house rather than an apartment building with noise regulations and appropriate laundry times. I can do laundry whenever I want, and I usually don't even worry about keeping everything quiet on Sundays. Despite the need to clean ths house, I will, however, refrain from vacuuming this morning at least until the sun is up.

Whenever we travel to a new city, I become obsessed with finding blogs of expats who live there. This morning I'm searching for Bangkok expat blogs and am finding some fascinating stuff, including one all about the street dogs in Bangkok (of which there are many!).