Bed time
Local blogger Rebecca raised an interesting point in a comment on Gretchen's dream hotel room. See, most of the time when you get a double bed in a hotel here, it consists of two separate mattresses (and usually frames as well) pushed next to each other. That often means two separate, individual comforters as well. I'm not sure what this says about us, but we LOVE that! (I especially like the separate mattresses because you can flop all you want without causing a disturbance--we have a really bouncy old mattress at home--and Gretchen likes the separate comforters because that way I'm far less likely to steal it during the middle of the night.) I can see where this would be a major problem if you gravitate toward the middle of the bed during the night, but when it comes for sleep I love having my own space. So we're officially supportive of the two-mattress concept, although a nice comfy king-size bed is just as nice.
Three other things I don't like in hotel rooms:
(1) Soft down pillows. I like to sleep with a firm pillow, so a down pillow is a recipe for a sleepless night and sore neck. (I don't expect all pillows to be this way--just as long as I have the option.)
(2) This is kind of stupid, but is it too much to ask to have a phone book in the room? There are some things I'm actually capable of doing for myself, such as looking up the address of a restaurant. I don't mind having someone help with some things (e.g., calling to make a restaurant booking in a foreign language), but I also like to have some modicum of self-sufficiency. (And maybe I'm a bit of a dork--OK, a major dork--but sometimes it's a bit of a guilty pleasure to be in a strange city and look to see if anyone else in the phone book shares your name...)
(3) There seems to be a trend in some of the hotels we've stayed at lately with a half-door on the shower (see below). I suppose it's better than not having one at all, or having a billowing curtain that clings to you, but I've found it's still almost impossible to take a shower like this without drenching half of the bathroom.
Three other things I don't like in hotel rooms:
(1) Soft down pillows. I like to sleep with a firm pillow, so a down pillow is a recipe for a sleepless night and sore neck. (I don't expect all pillows to be this way--just as long as I have the option.)
(2) This is kind of stupid, but is it too much to ask to have a phone book in the room? There are some things I'm actually capable of doing for myself, such as looking up the address of a restaurant. I don't mind having someone help with some things (e.g., calling to make a restaurant booking in a foreign language), but I also like to have some modicum of self-sufficiency. (And maybe I'm a bit of a dork--OK, a major dork--but sometimes it's a bit of a guilty pleasure to be in a strange city and look to see if anyone else in the phone book shares your name...)
(3) There seems to be a trend in some of the hotels we've stayed at lately with a half-door on the shower (see below). I suppose it's better than not having one at all, or having a billowing curtain that clings to you, but I've found it's still almost impossible to take a shower like this without drenching half of the bathroom.

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