Friday, March 17, 2006

Good things

I woke up in a foul mood this morning. That is very rare for me. Even if I'm really tired in the AM, I'm generally not feeling foul. But this morning I felt like I should have been wearing my nephew Bennett's T-shirt that says "Don't bother me, I'm crabby!". I was feeling especially crabby, because a) I was really unhappy with the haircut I got the other day, and b) I knew I had to give a bunch of blood today at the doctor's office. As a pregnant woman who already feels huge, it doesn't help when my new haircut makes me feel like a pinhead. This was a strange occurance-- we're generally very happy with Guy (our hairstylist). I think he was having a bad day when I saw him Tuesday, which means he did a little too much talking, and not quite enough paying attention to me.

I'm pleased to report that the foul mood has passed, and now I have several good things to talk about!

--I survived my blood tests. I absolutely hate giving blood. Back in DC I would always ask the nurse at my doctor's office if I could do it lying down because I always felt like I was going to pass out. Today I had to give TWO samples for the dreaded glucose test. The first one was at 8:30, then I had to drink a gallon (no, really, it was just a glass) of disgustingly-sweet sugar water, and the second tube of blood was taken at 9:30. Thankfully, Kirk was there to hold my hand for the second one. The ladies who work at my doctor's office get a kick out of that. But seriously, it helps!

--Our baby seems to be healthy and active. After the yucky blood tests, I had my sixth ultrasound! I love Swiss health care. It's so reassuring to be able to see the baby every time. As usual, the doctor (who is very soft-spoken) offered us many positive comments like "very nice", "perfect", "everything looks good". What a blessing. He also pointed out various organs that we really couldn't see, including the lungs, the liver, the nose (really?), and the heart (which of course we could recognize). He also commented on the nice muscles that appear to be forming in her legs. "Maybe she will be a ballet dancer", he said. That's right, I did say her legs.

--A much improved haircut. After leaving the doctor's office, I stopped in to see Guy to discuss my unhappy attitude with my hair. In no time at all he fixed it up, after admitting that he did possibly give me a few too many layers this time.

--A new CD. Kirk bought me several treats this week, including 2 new books for our vacation, and a new DVD-- Hennen Rennen, which is Chicken Run. I love all those animated movies, which will be especially good for the upcoming sleepless nights when we have a baby. My favorite treat of the week was a Jack Johnson CD: In Between Dreams. Great music.

--Spring is coming. Even though it's still cold and windy and there are a few remaining piles of snow (that Grady insists on eating when out for a walk), I'm confident that spring is coming. The crocuses are out, and I even saw the tiny bits of tulips starting to emerge in our garden! I planted a bunch of tulip bulbs that I brought back from Amsterdam last fall and I can't wait 'till they come up!

--Vacation! Some people may think it sounds crazy for me to need a vacation considering I don't even have a job, but believe me, everyone needs a break from their usual routine (cooking, cleaning, laundry, dog walking, etc), as well as a week of alone time with a hard-working spouse. Tomorrow we leave for our babymoon and I couldn't be more excited! The forecast for Phuket? 95 every day, with lows in the 70s! I plan to do lots of lounging on the beach and by the pool, along with lots of swimming. Hopefully we'll also eat lots of yummy Thai food!