Monday, May 01, 2006

Making a list

Tonight is our final prenatal class (or antenatal, as they say here). So, in theory at least, as of tonight we'll be fully prepared to have a baby. Although the due date is still about seven weeks away, we're getting perilously close to that "anything can happen anytime" stage. So Gretchen has diligently read a lot of websites and books in anticipation (filling me in as appropriate), and we've both attended these weekly classes. Thankfully we never had to watch a video about the miracle of life or anything like that, but otherwise we seem to have covered the important details.

The different stages of labor? Check.

Breathing exercises? Check.

Braxton Hicks contractions? Check.

Visit to the hospital? Check.

Who and when to call when labor starts? Check.

Episiotomies (if you don't know, don't ask) and c-sections? Check.

Epidurals? An emphatic check from Gretchen.

Breastfeeding? Check.

How to be a good parent? Still waiting on that one.

We know it all.

We don't know a thing.