Sunday, June 11, 2006


For those unfamiliar with the ways of the Weltmeisterschaft, everything you ever needed to know about it is right here.

(And can I just say how nice it is to have all of the matches--or "games", as you Yanks might call them--on during prime time, even if the commentary is all in German? Speaking of which, hearing the German announcer yell "Toooooooooooorrrrrrrrr!" just isn't nearly exciting as hearing an announcer on a Spanish-language channel screaming "GOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL!!! GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL!!! GOOOOOOOOOLLLLL!!!")

UPDATE: Gretchen was disappointed that I titled this post "Goleo" but failed to mention that, in a fit of irrational exuberance, we bought a stuffed Goleo for baby yesterday. Sure, it's a bit dorky, but we figured it could be a reminder of this time in our/her lives: