Saturday, July 29, 2006

A very special sweater

My Mom loved to knit. As a kid, I'm sure I didn't appreciate it because most children don't want to wear clothes that are knit (or sewn) by their mother. Only later in life did I realize how cool it was that my Mom knit lots of beautiful sweaters.

A couple years ago, my Mom started knitting a sweater for a very special friend of hers (let's call her R) who lived across the street from her in Madison. R was expecting twins, and had a very difficult pregnancy, and my Mom was a great support to her along the way. This project was a baby sweater to be given to R upon arrival of her twins. Unfortunately, my Mom never finished knitting the sweater before she got sick with cancer. She asked me to be sure to give the half-finished sweater, plus all the extra yarn, to R someday. Not long after my Mom passed away, I did so. R was so touched, but of course her babies were too big to wear the sweater at that point. R was just learning to knit as well, so my Mom thought she could finish the sweater herself, even if the twins couldn't wear it.

Last summer, when I was back in Wisconsin, I visited R (and her family) and she gave me the finished baby sweater. At this point, I wasn't pregnant yet, but R said she wanted me to have the sweater in case I ever had a baby to wear it.

Fast forward to this summer. We have a baby, we have the special never-been-worn baby sweater, but we also have a heat wave! Last night was a bit cooler, and we had plans with friends for dinner, so I decided it would be the night of the sweater's debut. It was especially meaningful for me that Baby wore the sweater my Mom had made "for her" last night, as it was exactly two years ago yesterday that we said goodbye to my Mom. At long last, here's the sweater...