Thursday, July 06, 2006

Wish you were here

Today is a day that brings me special memories. July 6 was my Mom's birthday. She would have been 73 today. Just as I did last year on her birthday, I'm posting a beautiful picture of her from her 70th birthday, which we celebrated as a family at our cabin in Three Lakes. They always say that, after losing a parent, it gets easier over time. This is true. While I'll always miss both my Mom and my Dad, I can now think about them without too much sadness. All the good times and funny memories are much more prominent than the sad ones. More than anything, as Kirk and I are now starting our own family, I wish my parents were here to meet little Baby. My Mom and I were very close friends and I feel like I have so much to tell her about this baby! Happy birthday, Mom, and thank you for all you taught me about patience, and love, and humor. I need those things now, more than ever...