Monday, August 07, 2006

6 weeks!

It's hard to believe our sweet angel was born 6 weeks ago today! I'm noticing so many changes in her now. First of all, she's growing like a weed! Clearly, she's been in a major growth spurt, which is apparently normal for 5-6 weeks of age. For the past several days she's been doing nothing but eating (and pooping). This weekend was cold and rainy (after weeks of a heat wave the temps have now dropped into what you might expect in October), Kirk is out of town, and all Baby wanted to do was eat, so I pretty much told myself that I would do nothing all weekend but sit on the couch, watch DVDs, and feed my baby. Oh my, what my life has become...

The good side of things is that all this growth also brings new developments. I'm noticing much more "happy awake" time. Up until now, when she was awake she was pretty much eating or screaming. These days she spends time looking around, starting to focus on our faces and listen to our voices, and generally paying more attention to her surroundings. She seems to enjoy being awake in her stroller when we go for walks. She sometimes likes to sit (or should I say swing) in her swing. She seems to be paying attention to bright-colored toys that we flash in front of her face. She even has started to enjoy laying on the floor on her playmat (see below)!

When the crying starts and fusiness overwhelms me, I try to remember that there are lots of good moments in the day as well. Over time I'm sure they'll become the norm, rather than the exception and I'm really looking forward to that. And I know that the first smile is just around the corner. I can hardly wait!

Look how big she is!