Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'll fly away

We've had a lot of firsts lately, but now comes what may be the scariest of all. On Saturday I leave on my first post-natal business trip, and it's not an easy little one-hour-flight European jaunt. No, I'm off to Kuala Lumpur (or KL, as those in the know call it). On the one hand I haven't traveled in a while, I've never been to KL, I'm flying on the best airline around, I can hopefully eat some yummy Asian food, and I'll have a few nights in a nice hotel. On the other hand, KL doesn't sound all that exciting, even on a great airline it's a LONG flight and I have red-eyes in both directions, it's going to be steamy hot and humid, and I have to give three presentations (two of which are at least an hour long and I don't feel well-prepared). Most of all, though, it's going to be difficult being away right now. Not only do I feel a bit guilty about leaving Gretchen to fend for herself, but at this point there is so much development going on that missing even a few days can be an eternity. I fully expect that she'll be walking, talking and doing long division by the time I return. I'll miss my girls...