Friday, February 02, 2007

Ladies' night out

One of the best things that has happened since having a baby last summer is meeting a new group of friends. Better known as "my Moms", I originally met this group of expat women through our English-speaking prenatal (or antenatal as they call it here) class last spring. Since then, our group has changed slightly, with one woman (and husband and baby) moving back to the US, and other women (and babies) joining our group. All 8 of us have babies that were born within two months of each other. Simply stated, I don't know what I would do without "my Moms"! We really enjoy each other's company, and we get advice from each other (which especially nice for me since our Baby is the youngest of the group), and most importantly, we support each other.

As soon as the first babies were born last May we started getting together on a weekly basis during the day, meeting either at Starbucks or someone's home. Not that I like Starbucks... but it's one of the few places in Basel that is smoke-free, not to mention they have comfy chairs and you can sit there for hours even if you order just one coffee. Now some of the women have gone back to work, and our schedules have become much harder to coordinate. We usually end up getting together in smaller groups during the day now and it's very rare for all of us to be together at the same time. The great thing about our group is that now the babies are old enough to "play" together. Or play next to each other. At least they sit together and all grab for the same toys which is really fun to watch. And last Friday, our "Spicy Baby" (as one of the women called her) was even seen sucking on her friend Bennett's toes! The babies love each other as much as the Moms do!

Last Saturday night was a very exciting time for me. I went out for dinner and drinks with "my Moms". That's right, no babies allowed! It was our second official Ladies' Night Out, although I wasn't able to go to the first one last November because of Baby's unpredictable sleep patterns and boob dependency. Can I just say that a couple of these women have already been on overnight trips to London with friends without their babies... obviously that's not possible with a baby who is still breastfed...But now I finally felt comfortable leaving the house for a few hours after she went to bed, and Kirk felt comfortable that, even if she woke and cried, he could call me and I'd be home within minutes. I'm happy to report that all went well and we had a great time. We went to Acqua, which is a very hip Basel restaurant that Kirk and I have been wanting to go to for quite some time. It was really good, but frankly I probably could have been eating McDonald's and I would have been happy! It was such a major step forward for me to be out in the evening, without Baby, having great conversation (not all of which was baby-focused) with good friends. Can't wait for the next Ladies' Night Out!