Sunday, May 13, 2007


We had the following conversation a couple of weeks ago:

GRETCHEN: "Don't forget to buy a Mother's Day card for your mom soon."

ME: "I haven't forgotten, I'll do it soon."

GRETCHEN: "And you know that you're supposed to get something for me now that I'm a mother, right?"

ME: <<>> "Oh, yeah, need to remind me about that, I'd never forget something like that..."

So now it's Mother's Day and I'm happy that Gretchen and Baby got back yesterday so we could spend the day together. I'd like to say I did all sorts of things to pamper her...but hey, at least I got a card so that's gotta count for something, right?! Seriously, the past 10+ months have been a real challenge for Gretchen in a lot of ways but she's been an absolutely fantastic mom and now she gets to enjoy the result of all her frazzled days and sleepless nights as Baby blossoms into a sweet, charming, smart, headstrong young girl (not unlike her mother, come to think about it).

And in the end, not only did I get her a card, but Baby did too...