Friday, December 05, 2008

Questions I cannot answer

I'm sure we've written before about the VERY curious nature of our little girl. It's now become clear that we've entered the phase of the unanswerable questions.

A couple weeks ago, she was examining my nose (very up close and personal, I might add) and wanted to know the name of all the parts. She was satisfied knowing about the nostrils and the bridge, but then needed to know more. "What the name that part, Mommy?", she asked as she pointed to the little part between the nostrils.

I have no idea. Does that part have a name?

At the breakfast table this morning we were counting with apples. She was quick to remind me: "I no like apples, Mommy". Once she reached the conclusion that I wasn't going to force her to eat one, she showed me the stem. Then she flipped the apple upside down and asked me the name of the little stem thing on the bottom.

I have no idea. Does that part have a name?

I think I need to start a list of all of these unanswerable questions. I'm sure there will be more.