Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Poor Grady

The only downside of all the travel we're doing while living in Basel is that it means Grady has to spend a lot of time at his kennel in Mumpf. I feel like he's generally happy there, or at least he puts on a good act every time I drop him off to make me think so, but still, it can't be as nice as sleeping on the couch in a heated apartment in Basel. Yesterday when I picked him up I gave the woman at the kennel all the dates I know of in March and April that Grady will need to be staying with them. It seemed like a lot, so out of curiosity I just counted the days and it turns out he will be there 31 of the 61 days in March and April! I guess that's enough to make it his second home. The only problem with his kennel stays is that lately he's been coming home with a bloody tail. It sounds worse than it is-- it's just a sore on the very tip of his tail-- but regardless, it can be a real mess to clean up in our house. The kennel people have told me that he's always wagging his tail so they've tried to solve the problem by putting a towel or something on the wall of his kennel (I think that's what I understood them to say-- I try to speak to them only in German which means we don't always have clear communication). Nonetheless, I noticed blood in our house again today. So now he's wearing a bandage around the tip of his tail, and I think I'll have to send a few along with him when he goes back to Mumpf on Monday.