Sunday, May 29, 2005

Crazy frog

I wonder if anyone outside of Europe has ever heard of "Crazy Frog Axel F". For quite a while now, it seems to have been one of the most frequently advertised ring tones on MTV. This whole business of downloading ring tones for your mobile phone was new to me when we moved here. I had never seen ads for it in the US, but here, all four of our music video channels advertise them constantly! And many of the ring tones (Crazy Frog Axel F included) are incredibly annoying. They stick in your head even when you don't like them. Now I learn, according to an article in the International Herald Tribune, that this "song" has become so popular that it is at the top of the British charts! Apparently it's now available as a single to buy, not just as a ring tone to download on your mobile. Does anyone else think this is strange? Please, if you've never heard it, click here to go the to Crazy Frog website and watch the video for yourself. I just don't get it. By the way, it's "Axel F" as in Beverly Hills Cop. Remember that one?