Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The shoe thief

My heartfelt belief that all in Switzerland are trustworthy has been shattered. This morning, when I showed up at the gym to change into my work-out clothes, my shoes had disappeared from the locker room! At first you may think I am crazy to even consider leaving my shoes unlocked in a locker room at a gym. But the gym is in the basement of one of Kirk's office buildings, meaning it's quite secure, and everyone leaves their shoes in the locker room. That way I don't have to carry them back and forth from home everytime. I really can't believe that someone stole my shoes, especially considering I was just there on Thursday! It just seems like a very un-Swiss thing to do (then again, the organization is very heavily staffed by the non-Swiss), and more importantly, who wants to wear my dirty tennies?? I proceeded to do as much as I could in the gym wearing only my socks. Fortunately, no one else was there this morning (it's a very small gym and there are never more than 5 people there at a time), other than one woman who's a friend of mine, so at least I didn't have to deal with explaining why I was exercising in my socks. I left a note in the locker room pleading with the shoe thief to return my favorite pair of Adidas (although I didn't refer to her as "the shoe thief" in the note), and I'm hoping they will magically reappear by the time I go back later this week.