Monday, July 18, 2005

A bunch of random stuff

I didn't think any of these random thoughts warranted a separate post, so here they are all in one.

First of all, I discovered the most amazing stain remover this weekend. Would anyone ever think that you could buy an effective stain remover at the pharmacy? I mean a real pharmacy, which are called Apotheke here, and they're much smaller than the American CVS or Eckerd. While in Krakow, Kirk got an ugly stain on his shirt and pants of hot butter and paprika that squirted out of a chicken (don't ask). I thought it would never come out. Then my friend Sabrina told me how she used this amazing stain remover (that she bought at the Apotheke) to get a bike grease stain out of her husband's bike jersey. So she lent it to me, and I couldn't believe how it worked! Side note: I realize as I'm telling this story that it sounds a bit like a 1970s ad for laundry detergent. Anyway, have you ever seen something remove a butter/oil stain instantly? So cool.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Real World junkie. Lucky for me, the European version of MTV shows old episodes. I just finished watching Philadelphia and I have to say I'm a big fan. Probably my favorite season yet. I especially liked Landon, probably because he's a Wisconsin boy so he reminds me of all the cute boys I knew back in the Midwest (sorry Kirk, you know I like California boys too). I decided to do some googling to find out more about Landon, like where he's from, what he's doing now, etc. Turns out that a couple years before doing the show, he was apparently arrested in Madison for "assaulting a horse". It sounds really bizarre. I'm sure it was just a drunken college thing, but I'm not sure I like him as much anymore. I have no tolerance for that.

Speaking of animals, check out this really weird story about a lady in a Washington suburb who was housing almost 500 cats. Yuck. Even though I'm not a cat person, I can understand why people like them as pets-- but no more than 2 in a house, please. That's just gross.

On a completely different topic, I'm reading a good book right now. It's especially appropriate after our visit to Poland. I'm reading The Pianist by Wladyslaw Szpilman. I've been on this kick where I feel like I need to learn more about World War II, so I figured reading a bunch of nonfiction based during that time would be a good way to do it. You may have heard of the movie, but I recommend the book as well.

As for Dennis the Menace, Perdido Key somehow managed to escape. The worst of it hit just east of Pensacola, rather than west as predicted. That means our condo (or at least the shell of it that stands today after barely surviving Ivan last fall) is still standing. Phew.

I told you that would be a bunch of random stuff.