Saturday, August 20, 2005

Update on G-dog

While Grady is still limping along (I alternate between calling him "Hopalong" and "Pegleg"), he's doing much better overall than he was the other day. He's already eating like a lab (i.e., as much as possible) and hopping up on the couch (we've given up trying to stop him), and we've even been able to take him out for a couple of short walks. When we got out the leash this afternoon, he even sprung three feet in the air like he usually does, which was horrifying given that he still has his big purple bandage, but encouraging that he's got that much energy. Perhaps most surprisingly, he hasn't yet tried to chew off his bandage...I would have predicted he'd try to have that thing off in the first 24 hours--48 hours, tops (maybe it's because Gretchen is regularly applying baby powder to his leg). So thanks for everyone's good thoughts; he seems to be well on the road to recovery...