Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's that time again

It's election season once again. Here in Europe everyone is talking about the uncertainty following the recent elections in Germany. It's all a bit confusing to me, but I like the conversations about all the different coalitions that are possible. My favorite (not based on politics, mind you) are the Jamaica coalition and the Ampel coalition which translates into stop light (or traffic light, if that's what you like to call it) because the coalition would be red, yellow, and green. I wonder how the Jamaicans feel about having a coalition of German politicians naming themselves after the colors of the Jamaican flag.

Here in Basel people are getting ready for another referendum day on Sunday. I don't know much about it, but from what I can tell they'll be voting on a proposal to allow more Eastern Europeans to come and work in Switzerland. Those opposed have put together some campaign rhetoric eerily similar to what was used for the "Schengen" vote a few months ago and the anti-immigration vote last year. I saw an full page ad in yesterday's paper that said something like "Today Eastern Europe, tomorrow Turkey". Oh, the horror! According to this article, some are also concerned that a "yes" vote will result in more prostitutes in Switzerland.

For me, I'm especially excited about election season because I just got my Virginia absentee ballot in the mail! I had almost forgotten that there's a big gubernatorial race in Virginia this year, so I'll be sure to send my ballot in right away. For our Northern Virginia readers, please fill me in on anything else I need to know about on the ballot (other than voting for a new Governor). The coolest thing about my absentee ballot is that they even included an "I voted" sticker! I love those and I definitely plan to wear my sticker on November 8.