Thursday, October 20, 2005

How you found us

One of the most interesting things about using Site Meter to keep track of how many people read our blog is being able to find out exactly how people find our blog. Sometimes people link to it through other blogs, and sometimes people find it by searching in general for blogs in Switzerland, but other times people stumble upon it unknowingly by doing a search on Google for something totally unrelated to Switzerland or a blog. Most of the time, of course, we have no idea how people find us. I've seen other bloggers (Dictator Princess, specifically) post about some of the funny things people have searched for and decided it was time I got into the fun. Here are some examples of recent searches that have brought people to our blog.

first cleaning service basel: I have no idea what this is, but I'm probably not a good person to turn to for advice on hiring a cleaning lady!

"roger reinhard": Who?? After a bit of searching, I discovered that his name was included in an article Kirk posted over a year ago about therapy dogs in Basel.

"shoe thief": Remember the shoe thief that stole my tennis shoes from the gym locker room?

landjaeger: Yes, it is a declicious snack. Someone must be really desperate for information about it because there were 4 recent searches on it.

gretchen named characters: That would be me.

bratsworth: One of the best scenes ever from my beloved-yet-rumored-to-be-split-Newlyweds Jessica and Nick.

ex wife joke: Don't recall ever telling one. Frankly, I don't even know one.

Thanks, DP, for letting me steal your idea for a post! I finally got around to it...