There's a lot to love about Spain: the history, culture, weather, wine, language, etc. But one of my favorite things is far more mundane than all that: the ham. While I love Italian prosciutto, I still prefer the Spanish variations: jamón serrano, jamón ibérico, jamón jabugo, jamón bellota, etc (I don't know the difference between them--all I know is that they are scrumptious). While Gretchen decided she prefers prosciutto, she still managed to eat a sandwich from the aptly named Museo del Jamón (Museum of Ham) in Madrid:

(Of course, when we went out with Spanish friends who are also expecting a child and Gretchen asked if there were any foods in Spain to be avoided, she basically said the main thing to avoid was the ham...oops! Luckily she seems to have had no ill effects.)

(Of course, when we went out with Spanish friends who are also expecting a child and Gretchen asked if there were any foods in Spain to be avoided, she basically said the main thing to avoid was the ham...oops! Luckily she seems to have had no ill effects.)
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