Friday, January 06, 2006

Root beer

This is what happens when you're an expat living abroad who is desperate for a taste from home. Yesterday, I spent 14 CHF (that's $11 US) on four (yes, I said 4) cans of A & W Root Beer! It's a real treat, because you can't usually get it here, but I found it at the Drinks of the World store in the train station. I've also seen it at the Asian stores in town in the past, but last time I checked they didn't have any. I bought four cans because that's all they had. Four cans. Each can cost 3.50 CHF (about $2.75 US). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's what I would pay for a whole 12 pack of root beer at home! Oh well, I will enjoy it. I'm not drinking Diet Coke these days (one of those things I had to give up for pregnancy), and the other drink options here are so limited, so expensive root beer will have to do.