Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Happy Valentine's Day! I suppose there were times many years ago when Valentine's Day seemed like an exciting holiday. Like when you're a kid and you all exchange valentines in class and eat little candy hearts. You couldn't wait to see if any of the boys would write notes on your valentine. When I was in 2nd grade, I remember a boy named Ari writing something like this on my valentine: "Dear Gretchen: You would make a terrible wife because you'd always want to get your hair done". I have no idea why he came up with that, but it was mean! I didn't like him anyway so I really didn't care at the time (he was only a 1st grader, after all...). Hopefully he's now married to a very extravagent woman who pays outrageous amounts of money to keep herself looking beautiful.

And I suppose Valentine's Day is a big deal whenever you are dating someone, especially if it's a new relationship. I remember the first Valentine's Day that Kirk I spent together. It was in 1997 and we had been dating just a few months. It must have fallen on a weekend that year because at the time we were still long distance dating at the time (him--NYC, me--DC). We were so in love! He took me out for a wonderful dinner at Jaleo, which remains as one of my favorite restaurants in DC. Sorry to be cynical, but now, I really don't care that it's Valentine's Day. Unless Kirk does something totally unexpected like bring me flowers tonight, in which case I would LOVE this holiday once again! Seriously, though, I told him this morning that "every day is Valentine's Day" for me. Awww...

Here's a funny Valentine's Day memory. My 7th grady homeroom teacher was Mrs. Peterson. She was really old (or at least we thought so at the time), and she was definitely not hip. On Valentine's Day, she had written "Happy VD!" on the blackboard. Take yourself back to 7th grade humor. Happy VD?! Doesn't she know what VD is?? We all got lots of giggles out of that one for days. That confirmed to all of us that Mrs. Petersonn was definitely out of touch with 7th graders...