Thursday, February 09, 2006

I'm a bump

I went to my first Mom's group today. That may sound strange considering I'm not a Mom yet. Wait, let's reflect on that statement a minute. "I'm not a Mom YET". OK, I'm trying not to freak out.

This is a Mom's group for Moms-to-be and new Moms with babies under age one. What a great concept! The group is called Bumps 'N Babes. As you can imagine, I'm in the "bump" category. Everytime I introduced myself to other women today ("Hi, I'm a bump"), all I could think of is "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas. Unfortunately, my bump is much different from the humps that Fergie is referring to. Regardless, I love that song, and now I've been singing it in my head all day. That's one of those you can't get out of your head once it's in there.

Anyway, I think I'm really going to enjoy this group, and mainly it's just nice to meet other English-speaking women in Basel who are going through the same thing, or have just done so (if they've already had their babies). In a way it was totally surreal... what am I doing at a Mom's group? Is this for real?

I already got one of my critical questions answered. "Do you know where we can buy a glider chair?" You may recall that Kirk might go crazy if we can't find one before the baby is born. I was told by one woman that she recently saw a couple models for sale at the Baby One store in Freiburg. I have a feeling we'll be making a trip up there as soon as Kirk has a free weekend.