Friday, May 19, 2006

Brain cramp

Just curious, but am I the only person in the world who has to look at my own business card every time I give someone my mobile phone number just to make sure I've got it right? It used to be I simply couldn't remember the number. Now, I think I remember it, but I'm never 100% certain so I still have to check just to make sure I've got it right. You'd think after two years it wouldn't be a problem, but c'mon, how often do I call my own phone? (For that matter, other than Gretchen, how often does anyone call my mobile? I'm quite lucky in that very few people from work--with the notable exception of my Spanish colleagues--ever call me on it.)

By the way, as much as I may have adopted the occasional Euro habit--and I suppose saying "mobile" rather than "cellphone" could be considered one of them--I absolutely refuse to call my phone a "handy", which is the term of choice here. "Handy" is kind of dorky, if you ask me...