Thursday, July 06, 2006

Going out

This is an experiment. Is it possible to write a blog post while holding a baby? We'll see if I'm able to tpye one-handed, and whether Baby likes sitting at the computer.

I've heard stories of women not leaving their house for days after coming home with a newborn. This was one of my greatest fears post-delivery. What if that happens to me, I thought. I have to get out often or I will go crazy. I can now see how easy it would be to just stay home. Especially if the weather is bad (especially in the winter), if you have a cranky baby, or if you're recovery is slow. The schedule of a newborn is so unpredictable. Maybe it's that way with older babies as well, but at least you become a more experienced parent with more confidence as time goes by.

Thankfully, it's summer now, so the weather is good for babies (unless it's hot like it was earlier this week) and the days are long. After staying in the hospital for 5 days, I really felt pretty good by the time I got home and was very ready to get outside. I've really enjoyed going out for family walks (with Kirk, Baby and Grady) around the neighborhood, and yesterday was our first official outing (sans Grady, however).

We took the tram a few stops down to a nearby neighborhood to do a little shopping, and even had lunch at a restaurant. OK, it was a Migros restaurant (in a grocery store), but you've got to start somewhere, right?

Today, with Kirk back at work, Baby and I ventured out on our own for the first time to meet up with "the ladies". The 6 of us from our prenatal class (plus our babies) have become good friends, and a very supportive Moms group. We met up at Starbucks this morning and our sweet angel slept in her pram (or stroller, if you prefer...) the whole time! After 2 outings in two days I feel so much more confident about getting back to life. Thank you, Baby, for your cooperation!