Thursday, July 06, 2006

Learning by doing (or not)

A conversation we had last night, when our little Munchkin wouldn't stop crying and we were trying to figure out what to do:

GRETCHEN: Do you think we should take her temperature?

ME: Sure. Do we even have a thermometer?

GRETCHEN: I bought one in the States...see if you can find it.

ME: OK, found it. The directions say we should use a water-based lubricant. Do we have any?

GRETCHEN: I have vaseline--is that water-based?

ME: I think that's actually petroleum-based.

GRETCHEN: What's a water-based lubricant?

ME: I have no idea...does she feel hot?

GRETCHEN: I don't think so.

ME: Ummm...well, then maybe we should just take her temperature tomorrow instead.

And that's how, for the first time in my life, I ended up with a shopping list that had "water-based lubricant" written on it. (And while I was at it, I went ahead and bought a centigrade thermometer as well since it won't help if we call the doctor to say she has a temperature of 102...)