Monday, August 14, 2006


As you may have noticed, I very rarely blog anymore. It's amazing how having a baby quickly changes your schedule and forces you to prioritize activities. I tend to have very little time around the house that is not spent feeding, comforting, holding, cleaning, or changing a baby. Not that there's anything wrong with that-- that's my job now as a hausfrau-turned-Mom. But I'm definitely still adjusting to my new routine (or lack thereof). I've learned that I need to choose my freetime activities very carefully, or else I could end up going all day without eating or showering! Internet browsing, blogging, and sending emails becomes much lower on the priority list.

That being said, here are a bunch of random thoughts all included in one blog post:

--Our weekend away was a HUGE accomplishment for me and brought me much joy. Up until very recently, Kirk and I had spent much of our time in Basel traveling. I have missed that so much. I love traveling. I know we live a spoiled lifestyle and I am very grateful for all the opportunities we've had to travel up until now, but I don't want it to stop! Up until this past weekend, I hadn't traveled since our Easter trip to Bavaria. I'm so happy that our first attempt to stay in a hotel with Baby went well. I really can't describe how liberating it was for me to feel like a piece of my life has come back.

--Let's talk about cheese curds. I know you've missed hearing about them. It's been quite a while since I've brought them up. In all the madness about new travel security measures over the past several days, I learned that cheese curds are included on the list of items that would NOT be allowed in carry-on luggage in the States because of their "gel-like" consistency. I guess the funniest part of all is that this fact was reported by one of the Milwaukee TV stations last week (according to my sister). Really, cheese curds are not actually gel-like. But regardless, is it really necessary to alert the public that they should not try to carry cheese curds on board a plane? Perhaps in Wisconsin it is.

--It's back to school season here in Basel. Summer holiday (or vacation) is shorter here than in the US, so they start up in mid-August. This means that the city will start to come back to life once again. Seriously, it's weird around here for July and early August. Where does everyone go? How can everyone afford to take such long vacations? (These are rhetorical questions... I think I know the answers... they go SOUTH and Europeans actually get a reasonable amount of vacation time at their jobs)

--It really feels like back-to-school time around here. After several weeks of that horrendous heat wave earlier this summer, it's now more like October. Temperatures for the past several days have been in the 50s (maybe breaking 60 if we're lucky) with rain and wind. Is it too much to ask to have a few days of normal summer weather before fall comes? Now that my doctor has given me the all-clear to go swimming again (they require a 6 week wait post-delivery) I'd really like to be able to visit the pool before it closes.

Perfect timing. The baby wakes and I hear crying in the other room. No time for reviewing or editing so please excuse any spelling/gramatical errors!