Saturday, September 30, 2006

When you put it that way...

I'm sad to be leaving for Mexico this morning (and not just because of the prospect of spending around 20 hours traveling each way, although that doesn't help). When I get back, Munchkin will be 15 weeks old. So, by spending one week away, I'll actually miss 6.7% of her life to date! I remember a former colleague talking about the first time he went away for a long business trip and he came back so excited to see his baby daughter...and she cried as soon as he picked her up--I'm fully expecting a similar reaction. I'm also not happy about leaving Gretchen here alone. She already has about 99.5% of the responsibilities these days, but I like to at least help in little ways if I can. Between the baby, having to walk Grady, etc., I'm going to owe her big-time when I return! So I'll be missing them and thinking about them a lot. OK, no more sounding pathetic--I've got packing to do and then it's adios Basel, hola Mexico...