Tuesday, October 04, 2005

She's so busted

I very rarely get angry. In fact, Kirk commented a few days ago (while listening to some of his "angry" music-- that's what I call it), that I'm probably about the least angry person he knows. But right now I'm about as close to angry as I get. Grady just threw up. I'm not angry about that, only mildly irritated. He can't help it, he's a dog. But I became angry while cleaning up the dog vomit because I discovered that apparently our cleaning lady (who was here this morning) is feeding Grady something other than his regular food. She's not supposed to be feeding him anything, and some foreign substance (weird looking dog food) is definitely a no-no from my perspective. She's never asked me if it's OK to give him treats (which it's not, by the way), and the amount he threw up appeared to be the equivalent of a whole meal! Not only am I angry because I have no idea what it is she's giving him, but also because by spoiling Grady she's totally going against our recent efforts to limit his food intake. His vet has said he needs to lose weight, not because he's fat, but because any extra weight is bad for his bad elbow and other joints. Believe me, helping a lab to lose weight is NOT easy. And I certainly don't need our French cleaning lady, with whom I can't communicate because I don't speak French, working to beef up our dog! Oh boy am I getting angry...