One of my favorite things to do in Basel is to go walking. The Swiss take their walking very seriously. I guess what they call walking we Americans would probably call hiking. Everywhere you go in Switzerland there are yellow Wanderweg signs that will tell you how far you have to walk (sometimes in kilometers and sometimes in minutes or hours) to nearby landmarks and towns. Fortunately I have found some friends in Basel who like to walk as much as I do. Exploring with a friend is always more fun. Today my friend Marlis and I took the tram to Arlesheim, and then started walking up the hills, knowing that there were some castle ruins up there somewhere. We found what we were looking for (thanks to the Wanderweg signs) and also walked past the Schlosshof Dornach restaurant that I've been to a couple times. It wasn't a very pleasant day, mind you, but considering the rain and cold we've had for about a week now I won't complain. At least it didn't rain on us. Anyway, castle ruins are right up there with walking on my list of favorite things in Switzerland. They're everywhere and they're so cool. I liked the castle ruins we explored today even better than Landskron or what we saw near Muttenz last week.

There was just a hint of changing fall colors in the leaves as we walked up through the hills.

There was just a hint of changing fall colors in the leaves as we walked up through the hills.

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