Desperately seeking...
I've always had mixed feelings about whether or not I was ready for a baby, but there's one thing I've envied all of our friends with babies: glider rocking chairs. I think they may be the most comfortable and soothing pieces of furniture on the planet. I tend to be pretty fidgety, but plop me down in one of those things and I can just feel the stress gliding away. (I know the idea is that the mother is supposed to use the chair for nursing, etc, but if we managed to get one of those things Gretchen would have to pry me out of it with a crowbar. I'm sensitive like that--Gretchen may be doing all the hard work, but it's really all about me.)
Anyway, in the States if you go to a store like Babies-R-Us, they have hundreds of them to choose from. I'm getting nervous, though, because we have yet to see them anywhere here (maybe we just need to find out if there is a German or French word for "glider"...or perhaps, like cheap American strollers, they're seen as terrible for the baby). We can't have a baby if we don't have a glider chair--Ich habe Angst! The one thing that gives me hope is that when we were in Madrid, we walked through the bebé section of El Corte Inglés (the major Spanish department store) and, lo and behold, they had a single glider chair for sale. Despite it being part of a display, I immediately plopped down in it and went into a glider-induced stupor. Had Gretchen not dragged me away I think they would have had to call security to kick me out...
Anyway, in the States if you go to a store like Babies-R-Us, they have hundreds of them to choose from. I'm getting nervous, though, because we have yet to see them anywhere here (maybe we just need to find out if there is a German or French word for "glider"...or perhaps, like cheap American strollers, they're seen as terrible for the baby). We can't have a baby if we don't have a glider chair--Ich habe Angst! The one thing that gives me hope is that when we were in Madrid, we walked through the bebé section of El Corte Inglés (the major Spanish department store) and, lo and behold, they had a single glider chair for sale. Despite it being part of a display, I immediately plopped down in it and went into a glider-induced stupor. Had Gretchen not dragged me away I think they would have had to call security to kick me out...

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