Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Phrase of the day

Another very appropriate entry in my German phrase of the day calendar...

"Hilfe, ich habe den Grippevirus!"

Translated: "Help, I have the flu!"

Just for the record, let me say that the stomach flu is NOT fun. It hit me on Sunday, just hours after Kirk left for Paris. Even worse than having a flu is having it when your husband is out of town and you have a dog who still insists on getting his 3 walks a day. Why don't dogs understand: "I'm sick, just go lay down". I must have said it 25 times in the last couple days. Thankfully, Kirk is home now, and the worst of my 24 hour bug has passed. Not that I'm feeling 100%... those stomach bugs have a lingering effect. I'm now focus on trying to replenish my liquids and eat something. It's a slow road to recovery.

The strangest thing about getting sick is that now I have to also be concerned about the fact that I have a tiny baby inside of me. I've been totally paranoid that I got sick because of something I ate. All the stuff you read about having a healthy pregnancy emphasizes not eating soft or unpasturized cheese because of risk of listeria, and giving up lots of good cheeses has not been easy for me. In fact, it's been harder than giving up wine or Diet Coke! As I've written before, "I like the cheese". Considering how quickly my illness passed, and having talked to my doctor's office, I feel fairly confident that it was just a bad bug. Amazing, how carrying a little avocado-sized baby around can add to the paranoia of every day life!

If you're wondering why I referred to the avocado size of the baby, I stole that from one of my pregnancy books which tracks the pregnancy week by week. For some reason, as a way of tracking the growth of the baby, it often compares the baby to a fruit or vegetable. I find that quite humorous. "This week, your baby is the size of a lime". "This week, your baby is the size of a small plum". I was told that this week, which is week 16, the baby is the size of an avocado.

Good thing I'm feeling better this afternoon. Any minute now the repair man should be here to fix our washing machine. The laundry piles just keep growing...