My poncho
I bought a really cool wool poncho when we were in Rome over New Years. I love it because it's unique, and it's very roomy which means it won't ever get tight on my growing tummy. To his credit, Kirk spotted it first in a store window, and encouraged me to try it on. The rest is history. I've realized that people love to stare at my poncho. I'm used to lots of stares in Basel, because, as all expats know, the Swiss generally love to stare and it usually has nothing to do with what you're wearing, how you look, or what you're doing. It's just their way. I usually stare back until they look away. But this week I noticed everyone staring at me (and particularly at my poncho) in Amsterdam. It's getting a little annoying and disturbing. I'm not sure if they're thinking my poncho is truly bizarre or if they love it and are staring because they're jealous. I'm trying to convince myself that it's the latter. I don't want to get a complex about my poncho. As people stare at me, I tell myself they're saying something like "Where did that very stylish (yet pregnant!) woman get that one-of-a-kind poncho?"

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