Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Alles ist in Ordnung

I had my 4th doctor's appointment this morning, and Alles ist in Ordnung with my pregnancy and the baby. That is one of my favorite expressions in German, which essentially means "everything is OK", at least according to my way of translating. I'm very relieved, because for some reason I went into this appointment with a totally irrational paranoia of something being wrong. I had absolutely no reason to think that something was wrong, and I'm normally not a pessimistic person, but I suppose it's only natural to have those thoughts from time to time when you have a living thing growing inside of you, over which you have basically no control.

According to my doctor, I am "young and healthy", and things appear to be as they should be in my 18th week. Once again, we're so impressed with the care we're receiving here. I had my 4th ultrasound today, and if I were in the US, today probably would have been my first. It's finally looking more and more like a baby, even though it's likely only the size of a large sweet potato this week (remember my fruit and vegetable size comparison?). Unfortunately, it looks like we're going to have a very modest baby. Once again today (just as it was 5 weeks ago), this baby would not reveal its gender. Last time his/her legs were crossed, and today he/she was in a sitting position. Yes, we are hoping to find out whether it's a boy or girl. And I was really hoping to know before going to Amsterdam next week! Last week in Madrid I passed up buying so many adorable baby clothes, and it looks like I'll be doing the same thing again next week in Amsterdam. Keeping it all in perspective, I do realize, of course, that the most important thing is that it's a healthy baby, even if the sex is not obvious!