A snowy day
After many days of very cold weather, I was thrilled to wake up this morning and find an inch of snow on the ground! I really don't mind cold weather (I grew up in Wisconsin, after all) so long as it's accompanied by snow. Even now, at 3:00 in the afternoon, the snow continues to fall. Although at this point the new snow doesn't seem to be sticking anymore.
I was supposed to go on a winter "walk" (AKA "hike" by American standards) with a group of women today just across the border in Germany, but I ended up skipping it (as did several others) knowing it would be up some steep hills, and I really don't feel like taking a chance of slipping on a snowy, icy hill considering my pregnant tummy. I know, I sound really wimpy. Instead, I did take a walk downtown this afternoon to take pictures of snowy Basel. We live in a neighborhood that is at just a slightly higher elevation than downtown Basel, and it's always so amazing how we can have totally different weather up here. We're only a 15 minute walk from downtown, but sometimes it's as if we're in a different climate! By the time I got down to the heart of the city, hardly any snow appeared on the sidewalks or even on the buildings. Nonetheless, I got a couple of nice pictures.
Here's the Tinguely Fountain, which is quite well-known in Basel (as is the museum of the same name). With all the recent cold weather, much of the fountain has frozen. That's the Elisabethenkirche in the background.

A typical view of Kleinbasel from the Mittlere Brücke. Check out the Swiss flag waving with Swiss pride! Boy, it looks cold and gray and miserable... it's actually quite pleasant out, believe me!

Back home in our hood, you can see how much more snow remains on the ground. Here's our famous neighborhood field.

For some reason, Grady doesn't like having his picture taken. But I snuck this one in during our afternoon walk before he noticed what I was doing!

Now I'm back inside, enjoying a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. I've discovered the best kind of hot cocoa ever. It's called Caotina. I think this will be one of those things I will stock up on before moving back to the US next year. It's delicious!
I was supposed to go on a winter "walk" (AKA "hike" by American standards) with a group of women today just across the border in Germany, but I ended up skipping it (as did several others) knowing it would be up some steep hills, and I really don't feel like taking a chance of slipping on a snowy, icy hill considering my pregnant tummy. I know, I sound really wimpy. Instead, I did take a walk downtown this afternoon to take pictures of snowy Basel. We live in a neighborhood that is at just a slightly higher elevation than downtown Basel, and it's always so amazing how we can have totally different weather up here. We're only a 15 minute walk from downtown, but sometimes it's as if we're in a different climate! By the time I got down to the heart of the city, hardly any snow appeared on the sidewalks or even on the buildings. Nonetheless, I got a couple of nice pictures.
Here's the Tinguely Fountain, which is quite well-known in Basel (as is the museum of the same name). With all the recent cold weather, much of the fountain has frozen. That's the Elisabethenkirche in the background.

A typical view of Kleinbasel from the Mittlere Brücke. Check out the Swiss flag waving with Swiss pride! Boy, it looks cold and gray and miserable... it's actually quite pleasant out, believe me!

Back home in our hood, you can see how much more snow remains on the ground. Here's our famous neighborhood field.

For some reason, Grady doesn't like having his picture taken. But I snuck this one in during our afternoon walk before he noticed what I was doing!

Now I'm back inside, enjoying a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. I've discovered the best kind of hot cocoa ever. It's called Caotina. I think this will be one of those things I will stock up on before moving back to the US next year. It's delicious!
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