Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wo ist Friedrichstrasse?

Let me just say that one of life's hidden pleasures is giving directions to someone in a city you don't live in, and in a language you don't speak. Even if all I did was wave my arm in a vague westerly direction and say "die nächste Strasse", it's nice not to be the clueless one sometimes.

On the other hand, it's not one of life's hidden pleasures to walk to the solemn Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe on what appears to be a relatively clear day, only to have a lone rain cloud open up right when you get there. Oh, and you didn't think you would need an umbrella so you left it at the hotel. And you're wearing a business suit and have to return to your meeting, preferably not looking liked a pile of soaked rags...